Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Star Awards 25 Years of Drama - Best Drama Serials Nominees Out !

7 November 2007

This Is It ! After doing so much to celebrate this special occasion , it has all come down to this - the most important category that matters it all - The Best Drama Serial Award ! For 25 long years of production and broadcasting , from the early years of SBC days , to TCS , and now to Mediacorp TV - Channel 8 Drama Serials have certainly accompanied and followed u through your growing up years - from your young childhood days to who , where and what u are today !

From the many many popular and classic hits that have bring u so much joys and happiness as well as squeezed many drops of tears out from u , 25 of the Best have been shortlisted as nominees for this all important , Grand Prestigious Award ! Which of these nominated Shows have touched your hearts deeply ? Which have these Dramas have left such a deep impression on u that u still remembers fondly of and enjoying it being re-run on TV today ? Which of these shows brings back fond memories of your young childhood days ?

Yes , certainly ! Channel 8 Dramas have come a long way to what it is today ...

Here are the 25 Shortlisted Candidates for Best Drama Serial Award :

1) Stand By Me - 家人有约 ( 1998 )
2) On The Fringe - 边缘少年 ( 1987 )
3) The Unbeatables 1 - 双天至尊 ( 1993 )
4) Stepping Out - 出路 ( 1999 )
5) Legends of The Eight Immortials - 东游记 ( 1998 )
6) Beyond The Axis of Truth 1 - 法医X档案 ( 2001 )
7) The Coffee Shop - 咖啡乌 ( 1985 )
8) Chronicle of Life - 缘尽今生 ( 1995 )
9) Samsui Women - 红头巾 ( 1986 )
10) Airforce - 空军 ( 1988 )
11) Beautiful Connection - 九层糕 ( 2002 )
12) A New Life - 有福 ( 2005 )
13) Golden Pillow - 金枕头 ( 1995 )
14) Wok of Life - 福满人间 ( 1999 )
15 ) As You Like It - 随心所遇 ( 2000 )
16) Holland V - 荷兰村 ( 2003 )
17) The Shining Star - 星闪闪 ( 2006 )
18) The Price of Peace - 和平的代价 ( 1997 )
19) Tofu Street - 豆腐街 ( 1996 )
20) The Winning Team - 飞跃巅峰 ( 1990 )
21) Mystery 1 - 迷离夜1 ( 1988 )
22) Good Morning , Sir - 早安老师 ( 1989 )
23) Awakening 1 - 雾锁南洋I - 天长地久 ( 1984 )
24) The Guest People - 客家之歌 ( 1997 )
25) The Army Series - 新兵小传 ( 1983 )

How To Vote ?

Voting forms are available in this week's new issue of 8 Days & I - Weekly . Fill in the contest forms and mail it to the address stated before the closing date . Remember , only your vote determines who will win this Award , so hurry , buy a copy of the magazine and start voting !

* Catch Star Awards - 25 Years of Drama Special Edition on Sunday , 9 December 2007 LIVE from Mediacorp Studios on Channel 8 ! *

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