25 April 2009
Some may feel that this Drama Serial has indeed come at the wrong time , especially if it has a lot got to do with school life , behavouir of students in schools , teachers , parents & the importance of learning the Chinese Language as when the Drama Serial officially Premieres next Wednesday , it may well ... be exam time for many students here in Singapore ! It is understood that usually at this period of time , students would be very busy preparing for their exams or for some others , would be in the midst of their exams ! Thus , this Drama Serial may very well rule out all the students , parents & maybe even some teachers for this upcoming New Drama Serial !
Despite the possibility of losing quite a large number of very important potential viewers of that target age group which this upcoming New Drama is clearly targeting at , this Drama really boosts quite a number of good reasons for u not to miss out , which ever age group u are in !
- The ' Nyonya ' Factor ...
What has ' Nyonya ' got to do with a Drama Serial about school life ? Well , a lot if the Drama is made up mostly from the cast of - well ' The Little Nyonya ' ! First , this Drama brings together a star studded cast of Actors & Actresses which includes not one , not two , not three but four Artistes in total from last year's Successful Hit TV Blockbuster Drama Serial - 小娘惹 The Little Nyonya ! Yes ! A total of four of them !
Among the Star Studded Casts are Cynthia Koh(许美珍) , Lin Meijiao(林梅娇) , Eelyn Kok(郭惠雯) & Darren Lim (林明伦) and FIVE if u were to add a ' new addition ' to the Nyonya family - Ann Kok(郭舒贤) to it too ! With a total of 5 ' Nyonyas ' in this Serial , can the Success of 小娘惹 The Little Nyonya spread over to this upcoming New Drama Serial - My School Daze < 书包太重 > ?
郭舒贤 Ann Kok , of course is currently involved in the preparation of the upcoming Peranakan Ball Musical with some of the Casts from the original Hit TV Blockbuster - 小娘惹 such as Xiang Yun , Jeanette Aw & Dai Yang Tian . The Musical will be held next month .
- The ' 方老师 ' Factor
While , besides the ' Nyonya ' factor in this upcoming New Drama Serial , there is also another chance for viewers to see Chen Hanwei 陈汉伟 play the role of a teacher yet again ! Many viewers would surely still remember his role as the ever popular & well - liked 方老师 in < 阳光列车 > - Morning Express some 14 Years ago ! His excellent portrayal as a caring & well liked teacher in that popular Drama Serial back in 1995 which saw the Serial having a Sequel ( within that same year itself ! ) is still firmly etched in many people's mind till today !
How different will his current role as a teacher in this Drama Series be different from that of 方老师 in 阳光列车 ? Also , as this Drama also touches on the importances of learning & improving one's Chinese Language , as well as parents ' desire & hopes for their child to do well in their studies are just some of the many reasons why u should not miss watching this Drama Serial , which is where the main selling point of this Drama Serial lies !
- The ' Not So Cool ' 瑞恩 Rui En Factor ...
Also , viewers will be able to catch a very rare side of 瑞恩 Rui En in this new upcoming Drama Serial - away from your usual cool cool type of character she plays in the previous few Drama Serials she is in ! Expect to see a rather relaxed & fun side of her in < 书包太重 > for a change !
* Catch 20 Episodes Drama Serial < 书包太重 > - My School Daze Beginning next Wednesday , 29 April 2009 at 9pm on Weeknights - Every Mondays to Fridays on Mediacorp Channel 8 ! *
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