Sunday, March 30, 2008

FM YES 933 Radio Chart 25 Anniversary Celebration @ Bugis Junction !

30 March 2008

Tomorrow , head down to Bugis Junction and join in the biggest party with all your favourite YES 933 FM deejays and Superstars Idols ! Spend your Monday evening in a very special way as u will be definitely going to have a whole lot of fun with their exciting performances and games !

Join in the mass celebration as Project Superstar 2 Winner Daren Tan , SuperBand Winner Mi Lu Bing , composer and singer of Local Movie 881 Theme Song - ' yi ren yi ban ' Wu Jiahui will make their appearances to bring u great performances at the party ! David Tao Zhe will also be making a Special Appearance at the Grand Party too to bring the atmosphere to an even higher level of excitement !

So , be there and don't miss all the fun in this biggest party of the year tomorrow evening only at Bugis Junction ! Details are as follows :

What : Radio FM YES 933 Radio Chart 25 Anniversary Bash
When : Monday , 31 March 2008
Time : 5pm
Venue : Bugis Junction Level 1

PrimeTime Mediacorp Local Drama Serials Theme Song Album !

30 March 2008

Enjoyed the two Mediacorp Drama Serials Theme Song Albums that Mediacorp had released last year , in celebration of it's 25 Years of Drama Anniversary ? Well , if after listening to the two Albums had left u craving for more , the following will definitely be of very GOOD NEWS for U !

Yes , Certainly Indeed ! Cos , Mediacorp has returned with yet another Drama Serial Theme Song Album just to Thank U - all the fans and viewers for being so supportive of local Drama Serials all these years ! Make no mistake about it ! Those who have been faithfully following locally made Drama Serials have been ' rewarded ' for your hard work and effort ! U will surely love this Album very much , cos this newly released Drama Serial Theme Song Album consists of Theme Songs from Drama Serials that were broadcasted on Channel 8 in recent years , from 2005 all the way till the first half of this year !

Entitled " Huang Jin Zhu Ti Qu ' - 黄金主题曲 , this Album consists of Theme Songs from local Drama Serials such as : Kinship 2 - ' xin jia' by Ah Du , The Golden Path - 黄金路 ( both it's Theme and Sub Theme Songs sung by Mi Lu Bing : 路 & 舍不得 ) The Peak - 最高点 , The Shinning Star - 星闪闪 , Rhapsody In Blue - 蓝色仙人掌 Theme Song - 风铃 sung by Joi Chua , A Million Treasures - 百万宝 , A New Life - 有福 Theme Song 明天的幸福 and Taste of Love 缘之烩 Theme Song of 'ni shi wo de tian kong ' both sung by Ocean Au , Love Conceirge - 爱的掌门人 , Metamorphosis - 破茧而出 Theme Song 斗神 sung by Daren Tan , Like Father , Like Daughter - 宝贝父女兵 Theme Song 自己的幸福 by Diya Tan and currently showing - Just In Singapore - 一房,半厅,一水缸 Theme Song . It also includes Theme Song from the upcoming soon to be shown on Channel 8 Drama Serial - The Truth 谜图 which will make it's Debut starting 7 April 2008 at 9pm !

This is indeed a MUST Buy Album for all local Drama Serial fanatics ! So , grab yours today ! It is now on sale at good music stores islandwide !

* This Album is being sold for $19.90 at AMK Hub Level 2 MJ Mutimedia Music Store . *

Saturday, March 22, 2008

S POP Grand Final Special Feature : Things U Probably Never Knew About Dione Tan's S POP Composition !

22 March 2008

You have heard her composition and voted for it . And it's all Thanks to all your constant voting and support for Dione Tan '雨伞' that it has successfully made it to the S POP Song Writing competition Grand Final tomorrow at the Singapore Indoor Stadium .

Before the Grand Final Showdown tomorrow , get to know a little bit more and a deeper understanding and knowledge of how
Dione's composition of '雨伞 came about , where her inspiration came from as well as an EXCLUSIVE video of Dione herself singing the song when she first composed it ! Yes , u will get to hear her sing this song which was sung by Teresa Tseng for the FIRST time EXCLUSIVELY on her Blog !

Not only that , let her take u through to the long road to the Singapore Indoor Stadium and get behind the scenes details which contributed to the great MV of this song that was broadcasted on Channel U ! Get to read all these and more as well as hear what she has to say on her song making it to the Big night tomorrow from the composer herself ! All these and more at :

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Prince Nicholas Teo To Stage Concert End of This Month !

5 March 2008

Malaysian popular singer Prince Nicholas Teo 張棟梁 will be staging a Concert at the end of this month in Malaysia ! Entitled " From Now On ' Concert 2008 , fans will be able to see and hear him perform many of his popular songs !

張棟梁From Now On大馬演唱會



《張棟梁From Now On大馬演唱會》將於3月29日在吉隆坡Bukit Jalil室內體育館舉行,演唱會取名寓意著張棟梁的歌手之路從馬來西亞開始所以演唱會也從這裡出發。海外的歌迷已經開始訂購團體票,相信棟梁一定非常開心,也希望各地歌迷一起參予,讓這場演唱會也能成為一個歌迷們的聚會。



而這次的演唱會制作班底有曾經合作過的搭檔,樂隊是大馬音樂總監Mac Chew的班底。演唱會的主題曲《新歌試唱》,是一首電子復古的流行舞曲,到時候歌迷朋友一定也會跟著琅琅上口的。演唱會上除了自己賣力的演出以外,當然還會有表演嘉賓,但到目前為止張棟梁還是不肯透露那表演嘉賓會是誰,那就讓歌迷朋友拭目以待咯!

Details of the Concert are as follows :

張棟梁From Now On大馬演唱會



地點:Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil

* Source :

Extracted from : spotlite

Stella Chung Don't Mind Being 'The Third Party ' !

5 March 2008


娇小的钟晓玉“高攀”不起张耀栋,需要利用道具拉近彼此距离!模特儿出身的张耀栋有181公分的身高, 本来俊俏外形加上标准的身高可以凸现出张耀栋的优势,可是与仅有158公分的钟晓玉站在一起,呈现出来的视觉效果却挺有差距,导致导演必须出动道具,好让 晓玉可以“高攀”得起张耀栋,顺利完成互相拥抱的浪漫戏码!


甜美玉女掌门人钟晓玉怪罪张耀栋,让她不明就里地在ntv7热播的《大城情事》中成为介入张耀栋和曾诗 梅两人婚姻的第三者,有损其乖乖女形象?!首次突破形象的钟晓玉并不介意自己在剧中所饰演的第三者一角,因为剧中的姚珊珊根本没有要破坏人家婚姻的意图, 错就错在张耀栋向她隐瞒已婚的真相,让晓玉不知觉地爱上张耀栋,才搓成如此复杂的三角关系。不知道即将回马参与3月9日《大城情事》见面会的张耀栋有什么 话要澄清吗?

张耀栋在片场给人的第一印象总是非常冷酷和安静的,可是一旦混熟后,他却会是一个负责为工作人员带来欢 乐的重要人物噢!第一次与张耀栋合作的钟晓玉表示,私低下的张耀栋可是非常搞笑的一个人,常常在拍戏的时候逗得她NG大笑,有时候大家连夜拍戏,紧绷的工 作环境也因为他而舒缓了不少!继饰演第三者一角后,晓玉希望可以再次突破自己乖乖女形象,挑战令人讨厌的巴辣泼妇角色,让电视观众可以再次肯定她的演技!

* Source :
Extracted from Malaysia's 南洋商报 . *

Drama Serial : Where The Heart Is Meet The Fans Session !

5 March 2008

Where The Heart Is - 大城情事 which is currently showing on ntv 7 Channel every weeknights on Mondays to Thursdays at 9.45pm , is yet another Mediacorp TV ( Channel 8 ) & Malaysia's ntv 7 Channel newly co-produced Drama Serial . Starring Mediacorp Artistes Zhang Yaodong , Zzen Chang , Priscelia Chan and Malaysia singer turned Actresses Stella Chung , it is a remake from the then TCS produced Drama Serial of My Home Affairs - 家事 in 2000 , which stars Zoe Tay , Tay Ping Hui and sweetie pie former TCS Actresses Evelyn Tan .

Good News for those who love this Serial ! There will be a Meet The Fans Session this coming Sunday , 9 March 2008 at 2pm in Malaysia , where u will get the chance to meet the casts of the Serial in person ! Appearance by Mediacorp Actor Zhang Yaodong and Malaysian singer turned Actresses Stella Chung ! Don't miss this opportunity to get upclose and personal with your favourite Stars !





地点 :金河广场大厅

日期 200839日,星期日

时间 :下午2点正

出席演员 张耀栋、钟晓玉、章缜翔、梁丽芳


* Catch Where The Heart Is -
大城情事 every Mondays to Thursdays at 9.45pm on Malaysia's ntv 7 Channel ! *