8 July 2009
They first make all of the Local TV Viewers sit up & really take notice of their productions with a Series of crime solving police related Drama Serials such as < 迷云二十天 > - ' The Undisclosed ' ( in 2006 ) , to < 十三鞭 > ' The Homecoming ' the following year to a mystery cum suspense crime solving Detective Drama Serial last year in ' The Truth ' - < 谜图 > which all proved to be quite a hit & very popular with many TV Viewers here ! Though , these Drama Serials were not being touted as MEGA Blockbusters , but the way the Drama Serials were being filmed and produced , as well as the way it was promoted ( e.g the Trailers , the exciting & engaging cliffhangers in these Serials at the end of each Episode were that of a MEGA BLOCKBUSTER helped them to achieve high TV ratings !
Since then , they have shifted their focus & strategy to producing more family related Drama Serials with various issues being raised in the Drama Serials relating very close to our daily lives & in our hearts . Their first Family Drama Serial last year - < 奶爸百分百 > Nanny Daddy even saw it became the Number One Drama Serial in the 9pm Primetime Slot . But their lead was shortlived as the End Of Year Hit TV Blockbuster < 小娘惹 > - ' The Little Nyonya ' came and smashed all records , beating the Serial to it & claiming the Number 1 Spot in it's place instead !
Following the huge success of it's first Family Drama , it went on to produce another remarkable feat in < 煮妇的假期 > - ' Housewives Holidays ' earlier this year and till now this Drama Serial still stand as the Number One Drama for the 9pm Primetime Slot this year , staying ahead in the lead , against the likes of popular Mediacorp produced Drama Serials such as ' Table Of Glory ' - < 乒乓圆 > and School Themed Drama Serial - ' My School Daze ' < 书包太重 >.
And the most surprising and shocking fact is that all these Drama Serials are not being produced by Mediacorp at all , though it is being shown on Mediacorp Channel 8 ! The heroes behind these Drama Serials are from an independant production company called Matrix Vision .
And viewers who love watching their productions , will get to see yet another of their Production in - < 难兄烂弟 > My Buddy which will make it's Debut Tonight on Mediacorp Channel 8 at 9pm ! Though it is no Blockbuster Drama Serial , it is expected to continue to shock TV Viewers & score high Viewership Ratings with yet another light hearted family related Drama Serial !
Though this Drama Serial has the word ' 烂 ' ( which means lousy in Chinese ) in it's Title , but never underestimate or write off the Serial just yet ! For u can surely bet that it will not be that lousy at all ! But instead , expect it be a very entertaining , full of laughter & a Drama Serial that is suitable for the whole family - from the young to the old to watch ! U will definitely enjoy watching it especially having reached home from a hard's day work in the office and U will find it really worth your time watching & following this 20 Episodes light hearted Drama Serial every night !
So are we expecting this Brand New Drama Serial to be another hit Drama Serial , even surpassing their very own Production < 煮妇的假期 > - ' Housewives Holidays ' which currently still holds the record as the Number One Local Drama for this year so far ? Will this Drama Serial be able to help Matrix Vision keep up their excellent track record and continue their amazing feat as their Productions continues to be such a hit with our local TV Viewers ?
* Starring Christopher Lee 李铭顺 , Zheng Ge Ping 郑各评 , Koh Yah Hwee 许雅慧 , Aileen Tan 陈丽贞 and Carole Lin .... < 难兄烂弟 > - ' My Buddy ' Premieres Beginning Tonight - Every Mondays To Fridays at 9pm on Channel 8 ! *
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